
Upgrade Your Data By Cleaning It

February 9, 2023
5 min

What is “Dirty Data”?

Dirty data, also known as “bad data,” is inaccurate or incorrect data. This can include misspelled names, incorrect phone numbers, duplicated records, and so on.

This especially exists when you’re working with data that comes from a lot of different sources. It’s not uncommon to deal with inconsistent formats, missing values, outliers, and duplicate data when sources are combined.

With the help of data cleaning tools, you’ll be able to streamline your data cleaning process, freeing up valuable time for analysis and other crucial tasks.

Causes of “Dirty” Data

There are many reasons why you might end up with “dirty” data. In most cases, it will be due to how the data is collected or managed.

  • Inconsistent Data Entry

One of the most common causes of dirty data is inconsistency. If a company employs a large workforce, then it’s likely that there will be some inconsistencies in how data is entered into the system.

For example, a customer’s zip code might be inputted as 54321 in one instance and 543210 in another. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can cause big problems for data analysis.

Even small inconsistencies like this can make it difficult to combine data from different sources. They can also introduce errors into your analysis.

  • Lack of Data Management Standards

Another common cause of dirty data is a lack of data management standards. If a company doesn’t have standards in place for how data should be entered and stored, then it’s likely that there will be some inconsistencies.

This can lead to duplicate data, missing values, and other issues that can make data analysis more difficult.

Bad data can have many different causes. From incorrect data entry to incorrect data collection, through to human error. If you’re going to perform data analysis on your dataset, it needs to be correct. Anecdotally, over 80% of the time spent on data projects is spent on data preparation. This includes data cleaning.

Cleaning data is sometimes seen as an arduous task that is time-consuming and difficult.  This may be true if you’re still using Excel spreadsheets and manual entry of data points. However, there are many options available to you these days that will make this procedure much easier. Data Cleaning Tools are one of the easiest and fastest ways to clean your dataset quickly and efficiently.

Data needs to be cleaned for a number of reasons:

  • Dirty data can cause inaccurate business decisions.
  • It can skew results and give you bad insights and wrong conclusions.
  • It’s hard to work with and analyze when it’s not in good shape.

Cleaning data is a professional discipline of its own, and it’s one that a number of businesses are only just beginning to take notice of. While the cleaning process can vary from company to company, there are a few simple guidelines you can follow which will help ensure that your data is clean.

1. Identify your data sources

The first step to cleaning your data is identifying where it comes from. This might seem like an obvious step, but it’s crucial to ensure that the data you collect is both accurate and complete. The data sources you use will also determine the methods you use to clean your data.

2. Understand your data

Once you know where your data comes from, it’s time to start understanding it. In order to clean your data effectively, you need to know what kind of data you’re dealing with and what kind of values it can take. This will help you to identify any errors or inconsistencies in the data and will also help you to decide on the best way to clean it.

You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know what it is. Data quality issues can be broadly separated into categories:

  • ** Completeness**

Completeness issues usually arise as a result of incomplete data collection. For example, you may have started to gather data about your customers but not included fields for important information such as age and gender. If you do collect all the data but some areas are blank or missing, this is also considered incomplete.

If you don’t collect enough data, this will limit your ability to do effective analysis. For example, if you want to analyze customer behavior on your website but your data only includes information on users who live in one state, this won’t be very useful. Similarly, if you want to analyze customer demographics but your field for age is missing, you won’t be able to do this analysis either.

To fix completeness issues, you need to go back and collect the missing data. This can be done by going back to the source (for example, if you’re missing age information, ask your customers for their age the next time they make a purchase) or using other methods such as imputation (this is where you fill in the blanks with an educated guess based on other information in the dataset).

  • Consistency

Consistency issues arise when the same thing is represented in different ways. For example, if you have a field for customer gender, you might find that some customers have entered “female” while others have entered “F”. This isn’t a big deal if you only have a few records, but if you have millions of records, it will be very difficult to analyze the data effectively.

To fix consistency issues, you need to standardize the way that data is entered into your fields. For example, you could create a drop-down list for customer gender with the options “male”, “female”, and “other”. Or, you could write a script that automatically changes all instances of “F” to “female”.

  • Accuracy

Accuracy issues occur when data is entered incorrectly. For example, if you have a field for customer zip code, you might find that some customers have entered their five-digit zip code while others have entered their nine-digit zip code. Or, you might find that some customers have entered their zip code without the leading zero.

To fix accuracy issues, you need to go back and check the data that was entered incorrectly. This can be done manually or by using automated methods such as data validation.

  • Uniqueness

Uniqueness issues occur when the same thing is represented more than once. For example, if you have a field for a customer's email address, you might find that some customers have entered their email addresses more than once. Or, you might find that some customers have entered multiple email addresses.

3. Clean your data

Now that you understand your data, it’s time to start cleaning it. This is where the real work begins. Depending on the size and complexity of your data, the cleaning process can be quite time-consuming. With the help of data cleaning tools that have sped up and simplified the process, you can now have accurate, trustworthy data with no time or headache.

One critical issue is duplicate data.

duplicate data: Duplicate data is one of the most common problems faced by businesses when dealing with large data sets. Duplicate data can introduce errors in your analysis and can make it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions from your data.

Here are the data cleaning tools to help you overcome all of these barriers while saving you time and effort by automatically cleaning and preparing your data in a matter of minutes while offering high data quality, error-free, and up-to-date data. As a result, you may rely on it to make informed decisions.

Why You Need to Clean Your Data

If your data is dirty, you’re likely to run into problems later down the line. This is because dirty data can negatively impact all your business decisions, including your marketing strategies and product development plans.

For example, if you use dirty data to target a specific audience with your marketing campaigns, you could end up wasting time and resources on marketing to people who don’t exist. In other words, you could end up targeting people who have moved away or are no longer alive.

As vital as data cleaning is, it is also critical that you maximize your time on the remaining duties. You can rely on high-quality data to make decisions and grow your business efficiently and without wasting time. Sweephy provides an effective data cleaning tool that will help you get the most out of your data and reap all of the benefits.

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